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Considering Divorce

Divorce is, obviously, a life changing event. There have been a number of studies that rank divorce as the second most traumatic life event behind only death of a child. It is obviously a decision that can only be made by the spouses involved with the assistance of trusted friends, family members, counselors, etc.

From the legal perspective a divorce is about the dissolution of a business partnership and, if applicable, making decisions regarding the custody, visitation and support of minor children. Seeking the advice of an expert divorce lawyer is critical.

If you are considering divorce it is important to consider the possibilities as they relate to your financial life as well as the lives of your children. As a divorce attorney with years of experience, I often advise clients that child custody and visitation issues are often strongly affected by the actions of the parties when they separate or begin to consider divorce. If you are considering divorce and have minor children it is imperative that you contact an expert divorce lawyer immediately in order to assure that your rights are protected and that you do not make a decision that might hurt your chances in court later on.

From a financial perspective divorcing parties must consider the amount of property they might be awarded along with whether they might be awarded or ordered to pay support in the form of child support or maintenance. Once you understand the possible financial resolutions of your case you can begin to make plans for your future.

Please feel free to contact the Law Office of Andrew J. Harger today if you have would like to discuss your options with an expert Chicago divorce attorney.

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